Chapter 1: Culture

9. Individual Reflections

Homework - Individual Reflections

1. People are not only determined by their national culture, but also by social class, age, gender, company affiliation, etc. Which cultural groups do you feel you belong to? Give reasons for your statements. Were there times when you were particularly proud to be a member of one of the groups or were there painful experiences regarding one of the cultural groups?                                          ​

Output: comment to this post or post a podcast or a short video ​​
Answer here

2. To what extent are your own behavior patterns influenced by your values and world views, but also by the environment you live in? 

Output: comment to this post or post a podcast or a short video ​
Answer here

3. Have you ever experienced a culture shock? How did it feel? Which strategies were useful to overcome this shock? 

Output: comment to this post or post a podcast or a short video ​
Answer here

4. We can define culture through metaphors. If you were to offer a metaphor to express the meaning of the notion of culture, what would it be? Explain why do you think your metaphor is appropriate. 

Output: comment to this post or post a podcast or a short video ​
Answer here